
How to find Relic Replicas

Antiquity Hunt is one of six game modes introduced in the new Genshin Impact event, A Paradise of Providence. Players will use an event-limited Search Compass gadget to find relic replicas in different areas. Day 2 of the game mode will take players to explore the archeological zone in the western part of Dar-al Shifa in Sumeru's desert. Completing this challenge will reward players with Primogems, Hero's Wit, Mora, and more. Players will also accumulate Gala Excitement, an event-limited currency needed to obtain a free copy of Faruzan.

This article will guide Genshin Impact players to find relic replicas in this desert region.

Genshin Impact: Location of relic replicas in Dar-al Shifa Antiquity Hunt

Part II challenge takes place here (Image via HoYoverse)

Antiquity Hunti's second challenge will occur in Dar-al Shifa's oasis, located west of the Dendro Hypostasis. Based on the rules, Genshin Impact players must find two relic replicas buried inside the yellow zone. The event-exclusive gadget, Search Compass, will help them pinpoint the relics' location. The device uses something called Trail Density, which will increase and decrease based on how close it is deployed to the buried item's location.

Players can deploy three compasses simultaneously, and reaching the trail density of 90 or above will highlight the buried items' location.

Replic Replica Location 1

In the middle of the oasis (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact players must concentrate their search near a small piece of land in the middle of the oasis. This is where they will find their first relic replica using the help of Search Compass.

The archeological zone will have elemental beings that will disrupt the compass readings, making it hard for players to locate the buried item. Players must clear the nearby Mist flower to get an accurate reading on Genshin Impact to find their first relic replica.

Replic Replica Location 2

In front of Hilichurl Campsite (Image via HoYoverse)

As shown in the picture above, the second relic replica can be found in the nearby Hilichurl Camp. Once again, players must clear nearby elemental beings such as Winged Cryoshroom and Whirling Cryo Fungus to get accurate readings on Genshin Impact.

There will be hilichurl mobs that might try to stop you from exploring freely near the campsite. However, players can ignore them if they are hurrying to speedrun the challenge.

Antiquity Hunt Day 2 Rewards

Rewards for successful completion (Image via HoYoverse)

Players will receive the following rewards for completing the Dar-al Shifa challenge in Antiquity Hunt:

  • Primogems x40
  • Hero's Wit x3
  • Gala Excitement x100
  • Guide to Ingenuity x4
  • Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x3

Two more challenges will be unlocked in this game, which players can complete later on to receive more rewards.

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Update: 2024-04-11