
Larsa Pippen And Malik Beasley Heres The Real Reason They Ended Things Amid Reports Shes A

As you might have heard already, Larsa Pippen and NBA star Malik Beasley are already over after a whirlwind romance. That being said, it turns out that she’s already moving on with someone else!

A number of sources have told HollywoodLife that Larsa is being pursued by a new man at this point and she is not still mourning her failed romance with Malik.

After all, they claim to know that she was the one who ended things between them in the first place so of course, she’s not losing any sleep over it.

One insider dished that ‘Things ran their course between the two. No one expected her to marry this dude, she was just having fun. But then it started to get complicated and that is not her thing, so she ended it. There’s no hard feelings, they are cool. But she is doing her thing in Miami and he is on the other side of the country and that’s that.’

The same source also mentioned that they went their separate ways a while ago.

However, the reason why the split is only now making headlines is that Larsa was seen cozying up to a new man not too long ago.

More precisely, she was out and about with entrepreneur Myles Kronman just last month.

‘[Myles] has been pursuing her and she is having fun. She is in a very empowered place in her life, she has really never felt better. She is not necessarily even looking for a relationship and she is perfectly fine being single and enjoying her time with family and girlfriends. So it’d take somebody really incredible to get her to settle down,’ another source told the same publication.


They explained that Larsa ended things with Malik just because he had ‘too much on his plate’ and she had no need for all that drama.


Filiberto Hargett

Update: 2024-04-09